



Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer sheet 2.



  China has attached increasing importance to public libraries into which people are encouraged to fully tap. A recent statistics showed that the number of libraries in China features an annual growth. Many libraries boast more peaceful and comfortable environment as a result of renovation and expansion. Some big ones not only have numerous kinds of reference books available but also serve as the places for regular lectures and exhibitions. Recent years has witnessed the emergence of many digital libraries intended to save the space needed to store books. Some of them have launched self-service system, which is meant to further meet the need of readers to borrow and return the books conveniently.

 新东方版 解析

  1 句式上,第一二句有重合名词“图书馆”,所以可以连成定语从句。

  词汇上,越来越常用词:increasing / growing / rising

  利用:tap into / make use of

  2 可用“主语+feature+宾语”的固定句式

  3 两个句子实为因果关系,可连状语从句。用as a result of ...连接

  4 两个句子为递进关系,可用not only ...but also连成状语从句。词汇上,提供可用have...available

  5 近年来作为主语,用固定句式“recent years has witnessed ...

  ”从而可以理解成表目的,用intended to ... 连接

