




  wood ice ice cream wool metal glass hair dust air water milk wine beer bread sugar rice meat cheese weather sunshine experience traffic homework advice housework information peace trouble anger food fish grass tea drink coffee fruit snow education knowledge time music coke paper orange chicken hair exercise friendship pollution work room news salad popcorn corn salt pepper gravy honey soup porridge sunshine light money rain wind Chinese Japanese English beef pork oil juice

  二.1.既可修饰可数名词也可修饰:all, some, most, a lot of, lots of, plenty of …

  2.修饰可数名词的词有:数词(one...), few, a few, many, a number of, numbers of...

  3. 修饰不可数名词的词有:little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, alarge amount of

  4. 不可数名词通常用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”表示复数: three pieces of paper