



 1 ought to do sth . 应该做某事 ought to be more polite 应该更有礼貌
   2 take photos 照相
   3 swim around 四处有动
   4 sleep on my lap 睡在我的膝盖上
   5 hold sth in one’s hand 手里拿着东西
   6 play with 与……玩 don’t play with fire 别玩火
   7 the cleverest animal of all 所有动物中最聪明的动物
   8 with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的
   9 do wonderful tricks 做令人感到惊奇的事
   10 sit on the sofa 坐在沙发上
   11 most of the time 绝大部分时间
   12 make a lot of noise 发出许多噪音
   13 ring the doorbell 按门铃
   14 do amazing things 做令人感到惊奇的事
   15 hunt for / look around for 搜寻
   16 get /be tired 感觉累
   17 sleep in the armchair 睡在扶手椅上
   18 knock on the cage door 敲鸟笼的门
   19 look so beautiful 看起来如此漂亮
   20 in the sun 在阳光下
   21 walk the dog / take the dog for a walk 带狗去散步
   22 pull the rabbit’s ears 拉兔子的耳朵
   23 don’t frighten the cat 别吓唬猫
   24 brush the dog’s fur 给狗梳梳毛
   25 don’t give her fish bones 别给她鱼骨头
   26 give her enough water 给她足够的水
   27 don’t give her a shower 别给她淋浴
   28 keep her warm 给她保暖
   29 be quiet 安静
   30 play with your pet for some time 跟你的宠物玩一段时间
   31 feed your dog at the table 在桌旁喂你的狗
   32 too much food 太多的食物
   33 be healthy 健康
   34 all over our flat 整个我们的公寓
   35 be busy with sth 忙于某事 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
   36 all day 整天
   37 bark a lot 经常叫
   38 make too much noise 发出许多噪音
   39 take her out to the park 带她到外面的公园里去
   40 at least 至少
   41 get a book about the right way to look after bird
   42 weigh about four kilograms 称重四千克
   43 make sure 确信、务必
   44 at the bottom of the tank 在缸底
   45 take it out of the water 把它拿出水
   46 listen to a talk on the fantail goldfish 听关于扇尾金鱼的报告
   47 be different from 与……不同
   48 look a little different 看起来有点不同
   49 be interested in (sth / doing sth ) 对(某事/做某事)感兴趣
   50 keep the fish tank clean 保持鱼缸干净
   51 all kinds of vegetables 各种各样的蔬菜
   52 play with pieces of string 玩线段
   53 take good care of 好好照料
   54 keep her on a lead 用链子栓着她
   55 rhyme with 与……押韵
   56 don’t chase the cat 别追猫
   57 it’s important not to do sth 不要做某事是重要的
   58 be noisy 吵闹的 sound noisy 听起来吵闹
   59 worry about = be worried about 为……担忧
   60 lie on the bed 躺在床上

