



        1.its bright lights 它的明亮的光
   2.keep your eyes open 让眼睛睁着
   3.at the same time 同时
   4.walk on tiptoe 用脚趾走
   5.one Sunday morning 一个星期天的早上
   6.as usual 向往常一样
   7.turn around 转过身来
   8.be/feel frightened 感到恐惧害怕
   9.listen very carefully 听得非常仔细
   10.be afraid 害怕
   11.run away quickly 很快地跑开
   12.on their way 在他们的路上
   13.search carefully 仔细的搜查
   14.say to oneself (myself , yourself , himself ,herself , itself ,ourselves , yourselves , themselves) 自言自语
   15.be weak 虚弱
   16.show sb sth (show sth to sb) 把某物给某人看
   17.later that day 那天晚些时候
   18.the following Sunday (过去) 接下来的星期天
   19.have a good time 过得愉快
   20.help sb do sth 帮某人做某事
   21.be crazy about sth /doing sth 着迷某物/做某事
   22. love doing sth /doing sth
   23. be fond of sth / doing sth 喜欢某物/做某事
   24.like sth / doing sth
   25. dislike sth / doing sth 不喜欢某物/做某事
   26. hate sth /doing sth 憎恨某物/做某事
   27. a baby panda /two baby pandas 一/两只幼年熊猫
   28.the most dangerous animal 最危险的动物
   29.Let’s take turns to do 让我们轮流做
   30.a wedding of two dogs 两只狗的婚礼
   31.the tallest man in history 历史最高的人
   32.during our lives 在我们的生命中
   33, in the daytime 在白天
   34.stay on the seabed 呆在海床上
   35. walk in the mud easily 轻松地在泥中走
   36.move quietly 悄悄地移动
   37.be surprised to do 惊讶做某事
   38.It is interesting to do 做某事很有趣
   39.read out 朗读
   40.return to 把------归还-------